
Home About Us Management with Integrity

Management with Integrity

We firmly believe that the value and sustainable operation of a company are based on the foundation of integrity that needs to be internalized and then disseminated. In order to activate core values and establish and adhere to high standards of personal behavior rules, we have issued "Operating and Occupational Ethics Rules" and regularly hold employee code of conduct and compliance trainings to ensure that all colleagues understand the content and strictly follow them.

Our employees are prohibited from engaging in any form of unfair business practice, bribery, fraud, coercion, or other illegal activities, and must avoid any potential conflicts of interest, in order to establish long-term business relations.

We not only comply with laws and regulations but also have a strong sense of corporate social responsibility. As a good corporate citizen should, KMC commits to follow the social norms and meet social expectations (including those of stakeholders). We expect to work together with the industry partners to continue moving forward.
